
We want to make installation as easy as possible. If you have any problems with the installation process, please open an issue.


If using Conda, just use Conda to install cartopy: conda install -c conda-forge cartopy.

If using pip:

  1. First, PROJ needs to be installed on your system using the installation instructions at the link. GEOS also needs to be installed. On Ubuntu both can be installed with sudo apt install proj-bin libproj-dev libgeos-dev

  2. Next, due to known Cartopy and Shapely problems, Cartopy and Shapely need to be installed manually. This is done with: pip install numpy && pip install cartopy==0.18.0 shapely --no-binary cartopy --no-binary shapely. Note that an older Cartopy version is recommended to prevent it from requiring PROJ versions not yet in common repositories. If you already have PROJ 8.0.0, you may omit the ==0.18.0 and install the latest Cartopy version.

The package#

While the package is still in development we recommend installing from source:

  1. Download this repository: git clone

  2. Move into it: cd bolides

  3. Install the package in editable mode: pip install -e .

Once this package is on the Python Package Index, you can install via pip using pip install bolides.